homeschooling in kenya

Homeschooling In Kenya: How does it work?

26 April 2021

Are you considering homeschooling in Kenya but uncertain about where to start? Over the years, homeschooling in Kenya has become a viable alternative to traditional education that takes place in classrooms. Unfortunately, the concept of studying at home is misinterpreted by many people. However, it isn’t that hard to grasp or practice as long as you understand how it works. Read more:

"Over the years, homeschooling in Kenya has become a viable alternative to traditional education that takes place in classrooms".

Is homeschooling legal in Kenya? This is just one of the many questions that are often asked by parents who are considering trying it out. While the practice has been in place for quite some time, the onset of the internet has made it popular. So, when did it start, and how does it work? Read more:

"This is just one of the many questions that are often asked by parents who are considering trying it out. While the practice has been in place for quite some time, the onset of the internet has made it popular"

The history of homeschooling in Kenya

Read more:

Homeschooling in Kenya is not a new concept it became a popular alternative to structured schools in the 1990s. Most of the students that were home schooled in the 1990s later joined universities, and they are now serving humanity in different capacities.  Parents have used different curriculum to home school children. However, IGCSE and 8-4-4 are the most popular systems by most Kenyan homeschooling families.

 The legality of homeschooling in Kenya

Is homeschooling illegal in Kenya? No. There are different interpretations of the Basic Education Act of 2013 in regards to addressing the legality of alternative forms of education. However, most legal minds agree that the Act does not discourage homeschooling. The homeschooling association has pointed out that the government should create structures in the future, which give parents interested in homeschooling a better footing. Luckily, parents can access different homeschooling centers in Kenya for more information and guidance on how to structure learning.
 Homeschooling curriculum in Kenya
In Kenya, different homeschooling families have different approaches in regards to curriculum. You can use:

  1. (1) Kenya’s curriculum 

Most Nairobi home school families opt for the harmonized curriculum by the Ministry of Education. The teaching materials are readily available, regardless of where you are in the country. Also, you can either teach your children or hire a trained teacher. If you want to hire a teacher, there are many qualified teachers available for homeschooling jobs in Kenya.
The system is test-based, and every year, you must give your child a test. Luckily, bookshops around the country have examination papers with marking guides. You can also register your child in a private examination centre for the final examination and probably reintegrate them back to the traditional education system.

  1. (2) Different curriculum's to teach different subjects 

The East Africa community of homeschooling advocate for this approach. The main aim of this program is to give your child the best exposure from the best curriculum. For example, you can use Singapore’s maths curriculum since their system is the best in teaching the subject. After going through subjects’ strengths rankings, you can create a customized curriculum for your child. Like in the Kenyan educational curriculum, there are materials online for teaching and examinations. You can also buy different books from e-commerce sites. Benefits of homeschooling in Kenya
READ ALSO Homeschool Africa School contacts, fees structure and curriculum
While homeschooling is still a new approach to educating children, pundits have pointed out that it will redefine teaching in Africa, and specifically in Kenya. Some of the advantages of homeschooling in Kenya include:

  1. Efficient learning 

While the Kenyan government has made strides in lowering the student-teacher ratio, the number of teachers is still below the global standards. Fortunately, homeschooling creates a perfect scenario where the student-teacher ratio is low and therefore, efficient learning.

  1. Flexible learning 

Homeschooling allows your child to learn on their schedule. Although the traditional system teaches the students the value of punctuality, it may disadvantage some students. It is, however, advisable to create a definite learning schedule and adhere to it. 3. Meaningful learning 
One of the main criticisms about the Kenyan education system is that students over learn old concepts and sometimes miss out vital information. Fortunately, homeschooling only exposes the child to current and updated information.
READ ALSO Homeschool Africa fees, contacts

  1. Homeschooling is ideal for discovering the child’s hidden talents 

The traditional education system is exam-centred. Students usually spend hours preparing for exams as opposed to exploring talents. However, homeschooling creates a room for exploration and discovering new skills.
READ ALSO: What to know about the new 2-6-3-3 curriculum in Kenya

  1. Homeschooling is more than just learning 

Mental health and social developments are essential aspects of your child’s growth. Due to a higher student-teacher ratio, it may be impossible for the teacher to identify students that may need special attention. Fortunately, with homeschooling, these two aspects (mental and social development) are central to the structure.
The scope of homeschooling in Kenya — how is it done?
After coming up with a curriculum — or adapting one — the next critical stage is the implementation. As a parent, you should consider the following options.
READ ALSO can you start homeschooling in the middle of the year
Be a tutor
If you work from home, being a tutor is the best tactic to homeschooling. As a parent, you have a better understanding of what your child needs and how to teach them under minimal efforts. If you are not a trained teacher, take time and read homeschooling guides.
Hire a tutor 
The availability of private tuition in Kenya is one of the reasons why parents are considering this form of education as opposed to traditional schools. While different tutors charge differently for their services, the home school services are readily available, regardless of where you are in the country. Whereas tutors are trained teachers, discuss the curriculum and the scope of learning with them. Let them know what you want your child to achieve with regards to knowledge and talent development. Resource centers for homeschooling families in Kenya 


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